How to access MySQL Server from command Prompt

Database management

How to access MySQL Server is a crucial skill for streamlined database management. This guide enables efficient navigation, interaction, and execution of SQL commands, ensuring smooth data operations via the command line.

However, Explore the art of command prompt access to unveil the full potential of your MySQL Server with this guide on How to access MySQL Server. Utilize the command prompt’s power and flexibility to manage databases, efficiently executing tasks with confidence and precision. Moreover, Learn the ins and outs of command prompt usage, empowering yourself to streamline database tasks and maximize MySQL Server’s capabilities, elevating your server management skills.

Discover straightforward access to MySQL Server through the versatile MySQL software. The software includes a text-based client seamlessly interacting with mysqld, a robust SQL-based relational database server. It works in an interactive and non-interactive mode. Here are some nice guides on this topic: How to debug a PowerShell script, how to install and debug logs with the CMTrace Tool, how to perform PowerShell syntax check using PSScriptAnalyzer, and Microsoft Bitlocker Administration and Management: Effect of renaming an MBAM or BitLocker protected Computer“.

Log into your server via ssh. Once you are in the shell, to log into the MySQL monitor, use the following syntax:

root@xxxxxx:/#mysql -u <db-username> -p

The <db-username> tag must be replaced with the actual database username with which you want to sign into the monitor.

Note: If you’re uncertain about the user you need, locate the list of database users on cPanel.

Accessing MySQL Server: A Key Skill for Database Management

To efficiently manage your database, you must know how to access MySQL Server. Moreover, Simply enter the following command line code, like the example below, and press Enter. In our scenario, the database username we’re using is inm_dbuser1.

root@xxxxxx [~]# mysql -inm_dbuser1 -p
Due to the -p switch with nothing following, you will be required to enter your password as below.
Simply enter the password and click Enter.
Enter password:

After entering the correct password you will be met with the following greeting and MySQL prompt:

Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g.
Your MySQL connection id is 4
Server version: 5.6.30-0ubuntu0.15.10.1 (Ubuntu)
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