
The package python-virtualenv has no installation candidate error

package python-virtualenv has no installation candidate

If you are unable to generate an SSL certificate with Let’s Encrypt on Ubuntu 20.04, follow the steps below. See this post where the error occurred “Video Conferencing Server: How to install and configure Jitsi on Ubuntu“.

Errror: package python-virtualenv has no installation candidate

Solution: Here are some solutions that helped in resolving this issue
– 1: If you get the package python-virtualenv has no installation candidate error message, this means that the virtualenv package is not installed. Let’s start by running the following commands below

apt-get update
apt-get install python3-virtualenv

Upon installation of this environment,, I could generate the Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate.

Another reference:

I hope you found this blog post helpful in fixing the package python-virtualenv has no installation candidate error. If you have any questions, please let me know in the comment session.

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