
Setting Up your Amazon S3 Glacier and FastGlacier for Your Online Vault

Setting Up your Amazon S3 Glacier and FastGlacier for Your Online Vault

With an Amazon S3 Glacier you can have secure, durable, and low-cost Amazon S3 storage for any of your data archiving and a long-term backup plan. This service gives customers an avenue to store their data for months, years, or decades at a very reduced cost. With S3 Glacier you can offload the burdens of operating and scaling the storage to AWS, you don’t have to worry about capacity planning, hardware provisioning, data replication, and many more as it is fully managed by AWS. S3 Glacier is one of the different storage classes under Amazon S3.

If you want to read more on Amazon S3 you can check on these related topics Hosting Static Website and Versioning on AWS S3 and How to deploy an Angular App to AWS S3. FastGlacier is a freeware Windows Client for Amazon S3 Glacier which allows you to upload files to Amazon Glacier using full bandwidth you can also use it to download files from Amazon Glacier and manage your vault easily.

Please note that before you can start setting up your Amazon S3 Glacier, you must sign up for an AWS account and be an admin user. In this guide, we already created an AWS account with an admin user. But if you want to know how to set up an AWS account with IAM you can check this Creating IAM Users, Adding MFA and Policies on AWS

Setup an Amazon S3 Glacier Vault

Now let’s create a vault

You can sign into your account and using the AWS Management Console open the S3 Glacier console at

If this is your first time using S3 Glacier, click Get started or Create Vault.

Create Amazon S3 Glacier vault

Go ahead and select an AWS Region from the Region selector. In this guide, we will be using EU (Paris) Region. Enter the vault name in the Vault Name field and then click Next Step.

Next Step
Creating the Vault

You can choose to activate the Amazon Simple Notifications Service (SNS) to have notifications sent to you or your application whenever certain S3 Glacier jobs are complete. For this guide, we will not configure notifications for the vault. Select Do not enable notifications.

Make sure the AWS Region and vault name are correct, then click Submit.
review Vault then Submit
Vault Creation Review

Your new vault will be displayed on the S3 Glacier Vaults page.

Amazon S3 Glacier Vault Page
Amazon S3 Glacier Vault Page

You can set a Vault access policy to be able to manage permissions on your vault account.

Setting Permissions for your Vault

You can create a Vault lock policy to enforce compliance controls and automate actions on your vault account.

Enforcing Vault Lock

When setting permissions to your IAM user you can either Add a user to a group, Copy permissions from an existing user or Attach existing policies directly. But in this guide, we will be using the latter with the policy name AmazonGlacierFullAccess

Setting your IAM Policy

Install FastGlacier

Install FastGlacier and launch the application and create a new account. In the IAM user section copy the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key and insert it into FastGlacier. Click Add new account.

Setting up your FastGlacier Account

You will need to locate your Region and confirm that your Vault is showing. You can Upload, Download, Delete and create New Folder for your Vault.

Locating your Region and Vault on FastGlacier
  • When you click on the Upload button you can either select Upload file(s) or Upload Folder to move your files to Amazon Glacier.
Uploading your Files or Folder to Amazon Glacier

You can also delete your Vault via FastGlacier

Creating New Vault and Deleting Vault

I hope you found this blog post on Setting Up your Amazon S3 Glacier and FastGlacier for Your Online Vault very interesting and helpful. In case you have any questions do not hesitate to ask in the comment section.

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