
How to enable or disable a Remote WMI Connection in Windows


To enable or disable a Remote WMI Connection in Windows, employ Command Prompt. Manage multiple WMI rules swiftly, enhancing system control. Enabling these rules allows WMI to accept remote connections and asynchronous callbacks from Unsecapp.exe. This comprehensive guide outlines the process for managing WMI traffic directly from the command prompt, providing valuable insights into controlling remote access and thereby optimizing system management. Please see this detailed guide on: Windows Management Instrumentation: WMI Commands.

See How to Enable and Disable WMI Traffic through Windows CMD, and Remote WMI Connection: How to enable or disable WMI Traffic Using Firewall UI.

Configuring Network Access via Command Prompt Rule Group

Please see this detailed guide on Windows Management Instrumentation: WMI Commands.

Remote WMI Access

Enable WMI traffic through the firewall:

netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="windows management instrumentation (wmi)" new enable=yes
WMI Connectivity

The “Remote WMI Connection” command activates 8 vital WMI rules, enhancing remote system management. This results in seamless control and comprehensive monitoring.

The Remote WMI Connection significantly empowers control by streamlining system management by integrating 8 essential Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) rules.

These rules are essential, providing data collection, remote management, and performance monitoring, thus bolstering system security and stability.

Such automation significantly saves time and ensures the consistent application of essential settings, consequently contributing to a more robust and dependable IT infrastructure.

Here is Windows Management Instrumentation Commands, how to Get a list of installed programs locally or remotely in Windows, and “How to delete an Instance (AssignedAccess) when applied via MDM WMI bridge Provider“.

Steps to Turn Off

First, run the command prompt as administrator.

netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="windows management instrumentation (wmi)" new enable=no
Remote System Management

The command removes 8 rules added to the WMI, streamlining the configuration and improving system management.

Please see see how to query a list of installed programs in Windows via Windows Settings, Control Panel, WMIC, PowerShell and Windows Registry, and How to setup and configure Remote Desktop Services via Standard Deployment on Windows Server.

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