Anti-Virus Solution

Allow a blocked app: Application blocked unable to run and apply settings

Allow blocked app

This can happen because the the anti-virus solutions wants to keep you safe and will sometimes err on the side of caution. However, this might interfere with how you normally use your PC. You can add an app to the list of safe or allowed apps to prevent them from being blocked, see the error below.

user\tester has executed C: \xxxxxxx.exe This process attempted to access HKCU\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\POLICIES\SYSTEM\DISABLETASKMGR. iolated the "Disable Registry Editor and Task Manager" rule and was therefore blocked. KB85494 explains how to respond to this event.

Like I always say! There is never one solution that fits all when troubleshooting.

I looked at the Event Viewer, and I found out that a virus scanner (McAfee) was blocking this application from running and applying correctly.

Solution: Below are some recommendations to fix this issue.

– Excluded the file from the virus scanner to allow the application to execute correctly.
– Or, temporarily disable the Anti-Virus Solution from running for a specific period of time. In this way, the application can apply the desired settings correctly.

I hope you found this blog post helpful. Please let me know in the comment session if you have any questions.

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