Windows Server

Clone a repository and install software from GitHub on Windows

repository cloning

In this article, we shall discuss how to Clone a repository and install software from GitHub on Windows. GitHub is the most used version control system in the world. This project was developed by Linus Torvalds, the creator of the Linux operating system, and it is used by an enormous collection of software projects both commercial and open-source that depend on Git for version control. Kindly refer to these related guides: How to create and deploy a local Registry Server with Docker Image, and how to Pull your first Nginx Container Image from Docker Hub and deploy it to your local machine.

Note: GitHub is not a store app. GitHub is a platform where developers put their code*. Any code. However, It could be a Windows program. It could be an Android program. Therefore, It could be HTML. It could be a library.

Nevertheless, It could be a snippet of code. It could be coded in a language invented by the developer. Kindly refer to some of these related guides below.

Note: Some repositories have a Readme, see an example here for an example of a read and this guides you on how to compile or install the program.

You may want to see how to install, register and start GitLab Runner on Windows. This is up to the developers that posted the code. If there isn’t a readme then try to figure out what kind of code it is.

Install Git on Windows

To install Git, download Git for Windows in the following location.


Click on run (If you wish to save and then execute you can as well). And follow other installation processes. It is simple, because of this I will not be explaining all the screenshots. Click on next

software installation

In the next window, select the option “Git from the command line and also from 3rd party” and click on Next.


Choose to use any of the transport types. Select the option to use OpenSSL

software installation

Ensure you use the same settings as shown below unless you extremely know what you are doing.


Select use MinTTy (the default terminal) and click next to proceed

repository cloning

Enable the following configuration option and click on Install

Screenshot 2020 05 23 at 17.10.53

Finally, you can launch the Git Bash by clicking on Next in as shown below.

Screenshot 2020 05 23 at 17.14.48

Please see Azure DevOps and GitHub integration for Docker and Kubernetes deployment, how to create a static pod in Kubernetes, and how to install, register and start GitLab Runner on Windows.

Clone Repository

Next, you will have to clone the repository. This repository contains the source code for the Package.

Navigate to the URL here. Note, this repository will be different from yours. Ensure to access the right repository and have it cloned.

Next, on the Git Terminal window, enter the following command (syntax) to clone your repositories. The git command runs Git. Then, it’s told to clone a repository, and the link to the Windows Package Installer repository on GitHub is provided.

git clone

Now, we need to compile and install the code. Access the location of the cloned repo.

In my case, I ran the “pwd” to determine the current directory i was and to determine where cloned repo was stored. For me, it was saved to this location C:\Users\TechDirectArchive

Tip! In whichever directory you were, that will be the location of your cloned repository (directory). Everything from the repository will be in a new directory named after that repository.

I hope you found this blog post on how to Clone a repository and install software from GitHub on Windows helpful. If you have any questions, please let me know in the comment session.

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