
Migrate Veeam MSSQL Database to a new MSSQL Server

Veeam Backup and Replication is a data protection and disaster recovery solution for virtual, physical, and cloud environments. In this article, you will learn how to migrate Veeam MSSQL Database to a new MSSQL Server. Kindly refer to these related guides to more about other Veeam products. Advantages of using a 3rd party software for Backup (N2WS by Veeam) over AMI, how to implement N2WS Veeam Cloud Protection Manager (CPM 2.3.0d), and How to recover backup via N2WS Veeam Cloud Protection Manager (CPM).

In Veeam Backup and Replication V12 you can use both SQL Server and PostgreSQL as a configuration database. Whereas with V11, you could only use SQL Server.  V12 you can use both SQL Server and PostgreSQL as a configuration database, whereas with V11, you could only use SQL Server.

Veeam Backup and Replication Configuration Database Settings come with the Veeam.Backup.DBConfig.exe utility that allows you to manage connection settings for Veeam Backup & Replication and/or Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager configuration database.

You may want to see how to Install and configure Veeam Backup and Replication Community Edition, and how to Install Veeam Backup And Replication With Dedicated SQL Server.

Migrating Configuration Database to another SQL Server

1: Using this utility, you can connect to a different database on the same or another Microsoft SQL Server instance. Please see how to Import a user profile in Windows to another PC.

If you specify a database that does not exist yet, it will be created on the selected server.

2. Change the authentication method for the database connection. Possible methods are Microsoft Windows authentication and Microsoft SQL server authentication.

Steps in a nutshell: Run or backup Veeam from the console, dismount the database from the MS SQL 2012, Install MSSQL 2016, mount the DB, use dbconfig and point Veeam to the new instance. 

Please see How to uninstall Veeam Backup and Replication from your server, how to Set up Veeam Backup for Microsoft Azure, and how to Fix critical Veeam Backup and Replication 9.5, 10, and 11 vulnerabilities.

Migrating Veeam Configuration Database

Here are the prerequisites and steps needed to migrate your Veeam MSSQL Databank to a new server.

Prerequisite: Pull a backup or take a snapshot of the VM, and Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (Used at the time of writing this article)

Steps for Migrating the Configuration Database

1. Ensure automatic backup jobs and copy jobs are disabled. This is not mandatory but recommended.
2. Ensure the Veeam Backup Service and the Veeam Broker Service are disabled.

These steps are necessary to mitigate data loss. The screenshot below shows stopped services

4. Open the Configuration Backup Settings to perform the manual backup of the Database.

  • A new MSSQL Instance is set up (DB restored etc.)
  • A service account is created in AD to support Windows Authentication when changing the connection to this new DB. And also granting logon access to the Veeam services

Restore Configuration Database from Backup

5: Change the database configuration settings: To associate Veeam with the restored database, please use the DBConfig Utility “Veeam Backup and Replication Configuration Database Settings) to change to the new DB.

This can be reached from the Start menu, Veeam, and Configuration Database Settings etc... 

Note: This step depends on the operating system used. Follow your OS steps and locate “Configuration Database Settings”

  • You can launch the Veeam.Backup.DBConfig.exe utility from the Start menu by clicking the Configuration Database Connection Settings, OR
  • Alternatively, you can use the Veeam.Backup.DBConfig.exe file located in the installation folder of Veeam Backup & Replication (by default, %PROGRAMFILES%VeeamBackup, and ReplicationBackup.)

6. Select “Veeam Backup and Replication” and click “Next”

Select Windows Authentication, enter the service account the user created in AD and click on Next. This will apply the settings and try to restart all previously stopped services.

Note: You can help out here by manually starting all services and if possible grant the Service account to log on right to the services. Else, Veeam Backup and Replication Configuration Database Connection settings will not start the Services.

Also, start the Veeam Cloud Connect Service. Note, even when this is not manually stopped, it will be automatically stopped and if logon rights have to be granted, do this manually and have it started.

I hope you found this blog post helpful on how to migrate Veeam MSSQL Database to a new MSSQL Server. If you have any questions, please let me know in the comment session.

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